Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Survived September and October and now....for a house move!

Well to add total disarray to my life not only was September and October totally nuts with regard to photo jobs....we decided to throw buying a house and all of the paperwork and logistics involved with that into the equation as well! Awesome! NOT! There have been several moments over the past month where I have felt as thought I have been on the verge of a stroke of some sort!

Photo wise I have had lots of fun and met many more beautiful & friendly people however.. did I mention before that I LOVE this job? No matter how 'difficult' a shoot can be or how tricky a child may be to photograph - I never walk away thinking 'thank goodness thats' over'..... I always feel rewarded. So obviously this is the job for me!

I am going to share now just a FEW of the awesome shots I have gotten over the past 8 or so weeks. Some from shoots - some  from home. And share a little bit about each of them and their circumstance.

This wedding was awesome! The Bride wore a beautiful beautiful beautiful dress, stunning headpiece and the bridesmaids were ultra glam. And better yet - it was an Emerald one so no travel! This was taken at the Railway station...and the bride was in some discomfort at this angle but I love the shape of her body and her neck! Was worth it!

Ok - my child is now having a super tant and my uploader  has stopped working - will finish this post later! :S That's multitasking for you!